Delivery of an Integrated Customer Management and Communications System

Delivery Of An Integrated
The challenge

As an Industry Advisor for the Queensland government Vocational Educational Training, our client required an effective technological solution to manage their client relationships. Before our project, these were being managed in isolation by individual team members through manual, offline processes. Small & Mighty were brought in to source and implement a solution that was time efficient, streamlined, and enabled better business-customer communications.

Requirements were to effectively manage business and industry contacts, case notes, correspondence, and social media activity.

The result

The Small & Mighty team worked closely with key organisational stakeholders to effectively assess individual and whole-of-business requirements. Our focus was on delivering a sustainable, economically beneficial outcome. Following in-depth research and analysis, we presented a report with our recommendations. The client adopted the recommended solution to adopt a new Customer Relationship Management system and email marketing platform.

As part of the solution roll-out we delivered:
  • user guides,
  • staff training sessions,
  • all software installations and set up ready for use,
  • ongoing support,
  • systems that ensured compliance with direct marketing laws.

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