Digital Project Launch: Huxford Grove B2C Manufacturing – Retail Brand

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This week we’re celebrating the launch of our latest digital project. A new B2C retail brand and online store – Huxford Grove. The client has to date been a B2B manufacturer of sheepskin and woollen products with a global distribution network including New Zealand, USA, Europe and China. This is the first time the company has marketed and sold directly to the consumer.

The coronavirus outbreak has forced us all to reflect. It’s reminded me of what I do best. Adapt to change, think laterally, act strategically and deliver projects with remote teams.

Last year I was hired as the digital transformation project manager and advisor to assist with the creation of Huxford Grove. I created a project team with the CEO and company leaders in sales, marketing, logistics and finance. I took a hands-on and operational approach to the role, providing digital marketing, technology and software advice and skills.

Together we have successfully created:

  • a new brand and all related assets including photography, videography, content, graphic design
  • developed a product range (including conducting market research, establishing costs and pricing, sourcing materials globally and manufacturing products)
  • designed and developed packaging
  • developed an e-commerce website
  • created and launched a digital marketing campaign

On top of this has been recruitment, upskilling of staff and training. These have been no small tasks. It has however enabled me to draw on a wide range of skills and experience, including my extended network of other talented professionals.

Small and Mighty have been an incredible find and a invaluable asset to my project. Tara has come on board and managed to get our team on-board and create a sense of energy and passion. She fosters a great team spirit. Her project management skills are second to none and her digital knowledge is outstanding. I have loved working with Small and Mighty and I see them as true business partners in our company.
– Amy Page, Group Marketing Director

I invite you to discover and learn about Huxford Grove, the Home of Comfort. Explore the online store and be inspired on how to live a design-led life (without a design degree).

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