Market Growth Using Social Media, PR and SEM Strategies

Market Growth Using Social
The challenge

The client was a large not-for-profit organisation widely known for creating and delivering education programs to primary and secondary schools across Australia. The company had a particularly strong market share in Queensland and the Northern Territory remote communities. The challenge was to grow brand awareness and product adoption in mainstream schools across all states and territories.

What we did

Small & Mighty’s marketing strategist, Tara James, worked in-house with the client over a period of 3-months. Regular meetings were held with the CEO, and by working with internal stakeholders target markets, new opportunities and ways to attract business were identified. The outcome was a complete refresh of corporate and the CEO’s social media channels with a clear PR and marketing strategy on how to meet the client’s objectives.

Leading the strategy creation and implementation, Tara teamed up with other businesses in the Small & Mighty network including a web developer, designer and AdWords specialist to rollout activities. Together they delivered a high-functioning web landing page with ecommerce integration and a targeted social media and SEM campaign to generate new business leads. Over the campaign period, a combination of Facebook, LinkedIn and Google AdWord advertising strategies were used including building look-alike audiences based on existing organisational data.

The result

The results spoke for itself. Over the 4-week campaign period visits to the website dramatically increased and a high number of leads were generated for the business development team.

  • 87% new website visitors
  • 90.6% of website sessions came from the advertising campaign
  • 716 new digital newsletter signups
  • Average cost per click $0.76

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